



Save Cat, Boy's Feet Run Over by Truck

8/14/2023 | 8/14/2023 10:23:00 AM WIB Last Updated 2023-08-14T17:23:20Z


The action hero of a boy who had to lose his leg to save her favorite cat is viral on social media. The victim's right leg had to be amputated in the hospital after being crushed by a truck while rescuing a cat his favorite is in the middle of the road.

One of the videos that is viral and widely circulated on social media (social media), which shows Nabila crying when she was carried into the ambulance with her legs badly injured by being hit by a truck on Jalan Lintas Negeri Lama, Labuhan Batu Regency, North Sumatra, Indonesia.

The incident first occurred when a grade 6 elementary school (SD) boy in Sei Mambang helped a cat that was almost hit by a passing cement-laden truck. Although he managed to save his beloved cat, the victim's leg was hit by a truck wheel.

Nabila who was injured was immediately taken to the Rantau Prapat Regional General Hospital (RSUD). Because the victim's right leg bones were crushed, doctors performed an amputation on Nabila. Meanwhile, his left leg was severely injured.

Ade Prestia, Nabila Febrianti's father, said that when Nabila was walking she saw a cat crossing the road and passing a truck. Nabila immediately saved the cat so that Nabila's leg was run over.

Currently, Nabila Febrianti is still in outpatient treatment at Rantau Prapat Hospital. Meanwhile, the family hopes that Dermawan will help with the boy's treatment.

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